Children Church

Arrows that hit their targets

The Next Generation Leaders is the ministry that prepares and groom children for the future as they navigate life stage phases. When an archer shoots an arrow, he shoots at a target. In like manner we believe God has shot forth these children for a particular purpose, they are not just to occupy space or fill the earth.

They are shot forth to solve problems, to be good examples, to lead, to expand God’s Kingdom on earth, etc. God is the Head Archer that has distributed these arrows into our quiver, we as custodian archers, need to refine, sharpen, clean, protect and help them through the process until they can hit their target.


Our goal in children’s ministry is to raise godly children. We desire to demonstrate to the children a God they can approach for any of their needs in life.


Our mission is to develop a total man so that children are prepared spirit, soul, and body for their life purpose. We constantly seek to introduce children to Jesus Christ in a manner that transforms their lives by encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with Him through prayer and a solid foundation of biblical truths.

Our Approach

The Children’s church has classes for Pre Schoolers and Grade Schoolers. Each class uses a curriculum that combines lessons and activities to teach. So if you have kids and are thinking of a kid friendly church where you are sure that your child(ren) will learn and have fun then you should visit us.


Ages 2 year – 16 years

Requirements for Children’s Ministry Volunteers

• Must be an active member of Jesus House Elkridge
• Meet all requirements necessary to service children
• Be faithful and live a separate christian life
For more information on JHE children’s ministry or how to become a volunteer please contact us here